Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"DIS Much!"

We have a little saying around here, especially at bedtime, but it's good anytime.  "I love you THIS much!"  And we stretch our arms out as far as we can to show how much.  It all started at bedtime.  When I put Isla to bed, I would say that to her.  One night, to my surprise (and delight!), she said "Mama, waffuu DEES much!"  Now she says it (along with everything else) much more clearly.  "I wuv you DIS much!" in her sweet little voice is one of my favorite things to hear.  We all say it to each other, and Isla totally melted my heart when she said it to my belly, "Baby Sister, I wuv you dis much!!!" accompanied by a kiss.  Sooooo cute!  So when Scott asked where it came from, I told him I started saying it to her, and she picked it up.  Then I realized, it didn't start with me at all.  It started with this little guy.
Or one that looked a lot like him.  He used to be on my parents dresser, and I always thought he was cute.  I guess his cute little saying just stuck in my head.  Isla was the first person I ever said it to, and now it's our little saying.  I'm sure we'll teach it to Baby Sister too when she gets here.  I can't wait!
So what does this have to do with my craft blog?  Well I told you from the beginning, I might include some adorable Isla stories, so I could just leave it at that, but this one actually does have a craft to go with it - a simple fun do-it-with-your-child paper craft.   Isla and I made something for her Daddy, and it all came from our little saying.  Coming this Friday (11/18/11), a video showing you our newest and possibly cutest craft ever, so easy too.  It's something you could make for Father's Day, Mother's Day, Grandparents Day, Christmas, Valentines Day, a birthday or just because.  Make it with your child.  It's so much fun spending the time together, and if your child is anything like Isla, she will be so proud to make something for someone she loves... DIS MUCH!
Don't forget to check back Friday to see the video starring (of course) Isla!


  1. I grew up with that statue in our house. It must have been passed on to your parents from Mom. I seem to remember it had something to do with a Mother's Day present to your grandmother.

  2. I was wondering what his story was and where he came from - thank you!
